for Queen's Avenue Play Area & Orchard
happens to my recycling?
to Recycling Centre
Planning Application – ACTION NEEDED
for Queen's Avenue Play Area & Orchard
The Queen's Avenue
Park Action Group (which Transition Shipston helped to
set up) has been awarded a grant for £25,000 from the
SITA trust towards the purchase of new play equipment
for the park. This is mainly due to the hard work of
Polly Taylor. The total amount already raised now
comes to £36000. It is hoped that Orbit Housing
Association will add £10000 to this which will mean
that work can start on the play area and orchard in
the new year. Transition Shipston has raised £750 to
buy fruit trees and shrubs for the community orchard
which will be integrated into the play area. SITA have
stipulated that Shipston Town Council commit to the
maintenance of the equipment with the support of QAPAG
fund raising throughout the year. Meanwhile the
children from Shipston Primary School have voted a
'brilliant' park as one of the most needed things for
kids in Shipston... they should soon have one.
more information about QAPAG contact: Polly Taylor
happens to my recycling?
material is collected and taken to a Material Recycling Facility
(MRF) run by Pure
Recycling in Ettington. The mixed material is segregated using
magnets, optical sorting and other technology until the different
materials are sorted into separate waste streams.
are then transported to specialist reprocessing facilities in the UK
where they are made into new products. For more information on what
happens to your material, please visit Pure
Recycling's website for an in-depth look at the recycling
process. Alternatively, you can watch a short film showing how the
material is processed.
to Recycling Centre - Leaving
Shipston High Street at 10.30 am on Friday Nov 30th
you are interested in what happens to your waste there are still a
few places left on the visit to the Pure Recycling Centre in
Ettington to arrive at 11am on Nov 30th. We have been
asked to wear walking boots or something similar with good tread on
the sole (they have some pairs of boots if people really haven’t
got anything suitable). We have also been advised that there are
steps so it is not a suitable trip for anyone who cannot manage
stairs unaided.
book a place and for car sharing etc.
Norgren Planning
Application – ACTION NEEDED
Following the rejection
of the their planning application for around 125 houses on the old
Norgren site by Stratford District Council, Cala Homes have lodged
an appeal. Below is an email from Jane Brabyn who has been leading
the campaign against the development for the Shipston
Heart Alive! Campaign.
Please support her by objecting before November 27 if possible. You
can send in an objection by email, and help with writing the
objection, if needed, is included below.
PS. The next SHA!C committee is at 7.30 Thursday day 6th December at The George. All Welcome
Subject: Re: Shipston's planning horrors Resume
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 17:00:49 +0000
PS. The next SHA!C committee is at 7.30 Thursday day 6th December at The George. All Welcome
Subject: Re: Shipston's planning horrors Resume
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 17:00:49 +0000
Application(s) reference: 11/02380/OUT
Planning Inspectorate Reference Number: APP/J3720/A/12/2185727/NWF
Dear Locals and Friends
Following my recent email to you, I understand from the Planning Manager in charge of the Cala Homes appeal that local opinion will again have a crucial influence on the inspector appointed to judge the case. It is therefore very important to write again with your comments and objections against this planning application.
This is very short notice as the deadline to make comments is 27th November. Any comments made after that date will not be considered (alas, the morass of council speake is so utterly mind bogglingly confusing I missed out on the importance of that date)
Could you therefore please send your comments and objections as soon as possible, quoting the planning references at the top of this email, to the following address:
If you are stuck for inspiration you can resend any original letter you may have sent to the council, preferably slightly changing the wording. If you have lost it, or need reminding of the relevant facts I will print some suggestions below.
Thank you in advance for taking the trouble to read this letter and act on it. With your support and actions, we have got this far. Please, please help win the next round.
The infrastructure of Shipston is already overloaded by the proliferation of new housing built all round the town over the last 20 years.
The site is very prominent, especially from the West and North of Shipston where views from Ilmington Hill and the west will be ruined by the busy development and its accompanying lights
Shipston boundaries have always been confined in a linea river valley and should remain that way.
The proposed development is separated from the boundaries of the town by agricultural land
The proposed development is out of character with local architecture
Increased danger at the two already lethal crossroads on the A429 just outside Shipston
There would be risk of increased flooding
This development would exacerbate lack of parking in the town centre
The Norgren site was originally given planning permission to be extended because Shipston needed employment. It still needs employment.
The council's survey made in 2007 suggests that there are sufficient industrial units to provide employment in the town. This survey is out of date due to the proliferation of new housing . The latest reports state that there is an under supply of industrial land to serve the district's needs for the future.
The government’s new planning policy appears to facilitates permission for developers to ruin swathes of beautiful countryside by allowing developments in inappropriate positions. Does the government want to be remembered or allowing this happen?
There is a need to build houses but surely there are more appropriate sites than this hill top surrounded on 3 sides by an ANOB.
Why build yet another large development outside Shipston whose infrastructure is already heavily overstretched and inadequate for its existing population
The site really should remain industrial. Jobs are needed in and around Shipston and sooner or later - when times improve - that site could become a thriving business premises again providing local jobs - far more beneficial to the community than this frightful plan.
If this development is allowed, it will set a precedent for countless other unwelcome developments to be hurriedly forced on rural districts in the belief that they will help kick start our ailing economy. Look what happened in Spain when similar policies were enacted.
Official speak version which goes down well in the planning world if you can mimic it:
"I object to this development because it would create an unacceptable visual impact on the views across the Stour valley from the Fosse Way, which will be harmful to this key “gateway” to the Cotswolds AONB”.
“Further to the planning appeal, my/our objections still remain, in that ……”
the “harm arising from the permission being granted for the scheme will outweigh the benefits
J Brabyn
Telephone 01608 682235